Defense of Drug Conspiracy Charges

May 7, 2011   //   by Maria E. G. Garcia   //   Blog  //  No Comments


Have you been indicted for the reason of being an aid of a drug smuggle conspiracy that you didn’t know you were involved? Have you met people that have been? Well,  there exist many agents and prosecutors that ransack and search for as long as nine years until they get the information they need, to bust people either guilty or not of being an aid to drug smuggling conspiracies. Any, just any name that these prosecutors encounter through their days of investigation will be indicted as participants in the drug conspiracy.

If you have come under investigation in a complex drug or fraud case, or if you have been indicted as a member of a conspiracy to commit any other state or federal offense, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at Richard R. Alamia Attorney at Law in Texas.

Our expert lawyers are focused on defending the person indicted for the reason of drug conspiracy or other several federal offenses. One of our lawyers’ main goals is to reduce or minimize the individual’s exposure of criminal responsibility.

A conspiracy is nothing more and nothing less than a secret plan made by two or more people to do something harmful or illegal. Our goal in defending persons implicated in complex conspiracies is to prove the prosecutors and the rest of the people at the earliest possible stage that the indicted’s involvement in the conspiracy is impossible to demonstrate.

It is always thoroughly possible to be caught up in a conspiracy investigation and declared guilty without even knowing that the individual was committing a crime. For example, a friend of a friend of a major drug dealer might deliver a car to another friend of the friend without any idea it will be used to smuggle contraband across international boundaries.

Even when prosecutors have the knowledge that an insignificant participant played a part in the conspiracy charge, that insignificant participant will be indicted, yet there will always be expert lawyers by the individual’s side ready to help them when they desire help.

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